Generosity, Splendor and Truth
Cobert Weiner Rachael
Curator: Zaidel Oded
24 Jan — 6 March, 2010
Rachael Cobert Weiner presents monoprints in the colors of purple and sepia from the year 2007 and pencil drawings from 2004-2007.
Drawing is the foundation of most of her work because of its immediacy and directness. Shown here, the portrayals are of interiors and landscape.
The technique of monoprint is to roll ink or paint onto a glossy surface and then moving and scratching into it, until the desired image is reached. For Cobert Weiner, this image can develop from searching into the subconscious, or by observation of the physical. By allowing free flow of feeling and action, images from childhood or perhaps archetypes can sometimes surface.
Till the moment that the work is printed, the final outcome is unknown. This creates uncertainty and yet freedom for the artist.
Oded Zaidel