Jerusalem Artists' House. photo: Amiad Abrahams
How do I submit a proposal for an exhibition at the Artists’ House?
Every active, professional artist is entitled to submit a proposal for an exhibition to be held at the Jerusalem Artists’ House. Please download the Exhibition Proposal Form, fill it out, and mail it (along with all required materials) to the Artists’ House administrative office.
The committee meets twice a year to evaluate the proposals and determine which exhibitions will be presented at the Artists’ House. The committee is made up of different artist-jurors each time, in order to ensure variety in the character of the selected exhibitions.
How do I apply for membership in the Jerusalem Artists Association?
Only artists who reside in the greater Jerusalem area are entitled to apply for membership in the Jerusalem Artists Association.
In order to apply for membership, please download the Membership Application Form, fill it out, and submit an original, signed copy to the Artists’ House administrative office.
The membership committee meets each year in February or March. Prior to the meeting, applicants will receive an e-mail instructing them when to appear before the committee with original artworks for evaluation.
How may I contact an exhibiting artist?
We are unable to share artists’ contact details, but would be happy to put you in touch with an artist, should we receive an emailed request.
How do I apply to participate in the Biennale for Drawing in Israel?
The Biennale for Drawing in Israel, initiated by the Jerusalem Artists’ House in 2001 as a national project, embraces the public galleries in the center of Jerusalem.
The theme of the Biennale is announced in a call for submissions issued in the press about a year before the opening of the exhibition. The call for submissions and all application instructions are also posted on the website.
How do I enter the competition for the Miron Sima Visual Arts Award?
The Miron Sima Visual Arts Award is presented once every two years by the Miron Sima Foundation in conjunction with the Jerusalem Artists’ House. The winner is granted NIS 20,000, in addition to a solo exhibition at the Artists’ House.
The prize is awarded each time in a different medium, as advertised in the call for submissions issued every two years around the month of June. Application forms may thereafter be downloaded from the website.